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IwatchBulgaria.com - News - Subcription for Industry Watch reports in 2012
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Subcription for Industry Watch reports in 2012
submited on 28.10.2011 in category Regulated markets | Fiscal affairs | Privatisation | Political stability | Monetary policy | Macroeconomic developments
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Subcription for Industry Watch reports in 2012

The global financial crisis in 2008 and the subsequent recession in advanced economies showed how important it is to be aware of the risks, stemming from the ongoing monetary and fiscal policies.

It also came clear that although in the short run markets are influenced by “animal spirits”, in the end the fundamental economic factors cannot be neglected.

In the last few years our clients, subscribers and the general public learned from us that:

  • The growth of the Bulgarian economy is heavily dependent on the foreign investment inflow
  • Job creation is directly related to investment activity rather than export or domestic consumption
  • The real estate market dynamics is strongly dependent on foreign demand and the credit expansion in the banking sector.
  • Housing price growth exceeded substantially income growth.
  • Household consumption before the crisis is dependent on maintaining rapid credit growth.
  • The governments’ response to the 2008 crisis will raise prices of the main commodities, food and energy.
  • The banks in Bulgaria will begin to actively loan after the recovery of foreign investment activity.
  • The EU states are over indebted and have large deficits and are, thus, susceptible to a new crisis.

We are convinced that by giving these and other recommendations we have contributed to a better business planning for those, who trusted us.

In the package for 2012 we offer:

The quarterly report: “Personal Assets in Bulgaria: Financial Wealth and the Housing Market”

The semi-annual report „Biggest Cities Review” (regional overview of the labor market) with field research data

Easy to use data and charts

Database with economic indicators (macroeconomics, banking sector, asset prices, labor market and others) with monthly updates.

The Report: “Scenarios for the global and the Bulgarian economy for 2012-2013”issued in May 2012 plus an update in November 2012.

Upon request for an economic analysis or forecast, out subscribers have priority access in terms of time for completion of the order, as well as considerable price discounts. Our experts will respond quickly to your questions instead of you hiring expensive experts and analysts.

We also offer a new service – corporate presentation – specifically for the management team of your company or your partners at a discount for our subscribers. A macroeconomist from our team presents an up to date analysis of the most important developments in the area of economic policy, the financial system and the leading industries, in your office or at an organized event.


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