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IwatchBulgaria.com - News - Invitation for a seminar-discussion "Perspectives and challenges on the labor market: Possible solutions for better employability"
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Invitation for a seminar-discussion "Perspectives and challenges on the labor market: Possible solutions for better employability"
submited on 13.06.2014 in category Regulated markets | Fiscal affairs | Privatisation | Political stability | Monetary policy | Macroeconomic developments
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Industry Watch would like to invite you to a seminar-discussion “Perspectives and challenged on the labor market: Possible solutions for better employability”.

The main focus of the event will be the introduction of innovative tools for soft skills’ assessment, which will be implemented in Bulgaria for the first time.

The seminar will be held on June 18th, 2014 in the city of Sliven, National Palace Hotel, “Galleria +” Hall, starting at 16:30.


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