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IwatchBulgaria.com - News - Improving employability through new tools for soft skills
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Improving employability through new tools for soft skills
submited on 20.12.2013 in category Regulated markets | Fiscal affairs | Privatisation | Political stability | Monetary policy | Macroeconomic developments
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Improving employability through new tools for soft skills
Industry Watch Group Ltd., in partnership with "Apricot Training Management (United Kingdom) and the Association of Licensed Vocational Training Centers implemented the project "Innovative system to improve employability through diagnosing soft skills", financed under OP "Human Resources ", Operation: Without Borders - Component 1 , Phase 2 ."
More about the project can be found here (information in Bulgarian)
The System for psychometric diagnosis of soft skills “Self Awareness” was developed by the British consulting company "Apricot Training Management". It is based on a psychometric model of behavior in the workplace with over 60 years of practical application ( the so-called "Theory of the four quadrants"), developed by the American psychologist William Moulton Marston ( 1893-1947 ) . According to this model, in terms of personal characteristics people fall into four main categories: Drivers, Influencers, Steadier, Calculators (DISC).
The Self Awareness System was scientifically tested and validated by the Psychometrics Centre at University of Cambridge. Self Awareness is a system used by thousands of students, job seekers, and many colleges, universities and employers in the UK. Regular surveys of customer satisfaction show a very high level of satisfaction (over 99 %).
More information about systems and services based on it can be found here (In Bulgarian).
SelfAwareness is introduced in Bulgaria by Industry Watch.
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